• Hushoffice Newsroom
Deux nouvelles cabines acoustiques hushFree pour le travail individuel

La marque Hushoffice élargit sa gamme de produits hushFree avec deux nouvelles cabines acoustiques conçues pour le travail individuel : hushFree.S.Hybrid et hushFree.XS. Ces cabines répondent aux normes acoustiques de la catégorie A de la norme ISO 23351-1:2020 relative ...
Two new hushFree acoustic booths for individual work

The Hushoffice brand is expanding its hushFree product portfolio with two new acoustic pods designed for individual work: hushFree.S.Hybrid and hushFree.XS. These pods meet acoustic class A standards according to ISO 23351-1:2020 for office acoustic pods. They complete t...
Dwie nowe budki akustyczne z linii hushFree do pracy indywidualnej

Marka Hushoffice rozszerza portfolio produktów hushFree o dwa nowe pody akustyczne do pracy indywidualnej – hushFree.S.Hybrid i hushFree.XS. Te dwie nowe budki posiadają klasę akustyczną A wg normy ISO 23351-1:2020 dla biurowych kabin akustycznych. Uzupełniają kolekcję p...
Zwei neue hushFree-Akustikkabinen für die individuelle Arbeit

Die Marke Hushoffice erweitert ihr hushFree-Produktportfolio um zwei neue Akustikkabinen für die individuelle Arbeit – hushFree.S.Hybrid und hushFree.XS. Diese beiden Akustikkabinen besitzen die Akustikklasse A nach der Norm ISO 23351-1:2020 für Büroakustikkabinen. Sie e...
All Hushoffice Acoustic Pods Are CAR Certified

Hushoffice acoustic pods have officially met the Certified Autism Resource (CAR) standards for products designed to support individuals with autism spectrum disorders. This certification, awarded by the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standa...
Hushoffice auf der Orgatec 2024 mit neuen Kabinen hushFree

Auf der diesjährigen Orgatec in Köln präsentiert Hushoffice Produktneuheiten aus der Linie hushFree. Am Stand der Marke stehen die Kabinen hushFree.S, hushFree.M und hushFree.L sowie die beiden behindertengerechten Akustikkabinen hushFree.Access.M und hushFree.Access.L, ...
Feel free to talk, to meet, to work with a new line of hushFree acoustic pods

Hushoffice presents a new line of hushFree acoustic pods for work and meetings, with a fully refreshed interior and extremely high technical parameters, which will offer employees even more freedom and flexibility to choose the place and the way of work. The new line inc...
Two new acoustic pods from the hushFree line for people with disabilities

Hushoffice introduces two new acoustic pods for work and meetings, fully adapted to the needs of people with mobility disabilities - hushFree.Access.M and hushFree.Access.L. The pods have, among other things, a low threshold, making it easier to get into the pod, wide do...

Lors du salon Workspace Expo qui se tiendra cette année du 26 au 28 mars à Paris, la marque Hushoffice présentera sur son stand (Hall 1, D44) les nouveautés officiellement introduites dans son portefeuille en février dernier : la nouvelle gamme de cabines acoustiques hus...
Feel free to talk, to meet, to work with a new line of hushFree acoustic pods

Hushoffice presents a new line of hushFree acoustic pods for work and meetings. Class A acoustic pods compliant with the ISO 23351-1:2020 standard, with a fully refreshed interior, with extremely high technical parameters, will offer the employees even more freedom and f...


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Hushoffice Newsroom

Hushoffice is a brand of acoustic pods owned by Mikomax, one of the leading European manufacturers of professional acoustic cabins for offices and other contract furniture based in Poland. The company has over 30 years of experience in the production and sale of innovative product solutions. The Hushoffice brand is available in over 50 countries on almost every continent.